
Spinning like a DISC!

The DISC test we did in class was pretty accurate. It gave me an S with a high of C and I think I fit most of the characteristics of that. I like to get along well with others – that is probably my biggest strength. I like steadiness, I am a good listener, patient and very loyal, which all fall under the S category. I also like accuracy and am analytical in making decisions. I have little interest in becoming a Dominator, however, I would like to become more of an Influencer. I think it is possible for people to change because it is not based just on personality but is based also on how people carry themselves. For example, someone can become more confident or more sociable for a variety of different reasons which can bring about such change.

I think these kind of personality tests are always helpful in better understanding a person. It better displays a person’s strengths and weakness and is most definitely helpful with job placement as well all social interactions.



I want to be successful in my career. What precisely I want my career path to be, I am not quite sure yet. However, I have set my sights on going to law school once I graduate from Baruch. I think I would be an excellent attorney and enjoy it as well. Even if I do not go into law, just having a JD degree can clear the path to success in business or other fields. But in order to do that, it requires several steps. One is immediate action – which is to get good grades NOW, while I’m still in Baruch. Getting good grades and obviously graduating are keys to going to law school. However, probably the most significant and challenging part will be taking the LSAT. This standardized test is the primary deciding factor for law school acceptance and for scholarship chances. Law schools are both very competitive to get into and extremely expensive tuition. I would like to see myself dedicate this coming summer of 2009 to fully prepare for LSAT and then go and ace it. Once I do that and get into law school, the enormous challenge will be to actually do well and succeed through school. That will be followed by taking the Bar Exam, which will be followed by actually going out in life and doing the best I can with it!


Brainstorming Ideas

Our group was trying to brainstorm ideas for new Jell-O products. One girl in our group volunteered to do the writing, basically sacrificing her brainpower for her manpower. Of the group of 6, me and another person were throwing out one idea after another until the end of our session. The other two people threw out a bunch of ideas in the beginning but towards the end they pretty much ran themselves out of initiatives. One person was pretty much quiet throughout and the sixth person was doing the writing. At the very end, the writer did some brainstorming of her own and jotted down several product ideas. I kept on coming up with more ideas, even as we progressed and ideas took longer to come up, I was still able to produce some until time ran out.


Egg Project

During our Egg project, our group first had to plan what sort of contraption we can make to keep the egg intact. We assigned ourselves the goal that the egg WILL NOT break. We knew we had to make this project in just a few minutes. We essentially needed to use all our equipment and have a breakproof project completed before the deadline.

Our resources were limited as we had only a few straws and some tape to work with so we had to work with what we had. Our group was made up of creative people with good ideas but no one actually had engineering or architectural skills so we needed a more ‘simple way of keeping the egg from breaking on impact. We were not able to just judge the mechanics of an instrument that can take the blow for the egg and the egg will still remain unmoved.

We developed different strategies and thought about different ideas such as creating a box around the egg that will bear all the force upon landing but we could not be sure if that would actually work. We thought of making a raft-like device that would be very cushioned on the bottom but that would not guarantee the egg staying in place and not bouncing. We also thought of making a fishing rod device where we just lower the egg onto the floor. This we deemed the most likely to work, so we made a tactical plan. In order to do this we taped the straws together in a rope-like style. We also made a device around the egg to hold it in place so that it will not move around, nor hit the floor on landing. Upon implementation, the device was lowered/dropped, it landed on the straw case around the egg and the egg did not break, so this device was deemed a success.