

I want to be successful in my career. What precisely I want my career path to be, I am not quite sure yet. However, I have set my sights on going to law school once I graduate from Baruch. I think I would be an excellent attorney and enjoy it as well. Even if I do not go into law, just having a JD degree can clear the path to success in business or other fields. But in order to do that, it requires several steps. One is immediate action – which is to get good grades NOW, while I’m still in Baruch. Getting good grades and obviously graduating are keys to going to law school. However, probably the most significant and challenging part will be taking the LSAT. This standardized test is the primary deciding factor for law school acceptance and for scholarship chances. Law schools are both very competitive to get into and extremely expensive tuition. I would like to see myself dedicate this coming summer of 2009 to fully prepare for LSAT and then go and ace it. Once I do that and get into law school, the enormous challenge will be to actually do well and succeed through school. That will be followed by taking the Bar Exam, which will be followed by actually going out in life and doing the best I can with it!

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